Diverse Pathways to People-Centred Justice: Report of the Working Group on Customary and Informal Justice and SDG16+


Diverse Pathways to people-centred justice

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Diverse Pathways to People-Centred Justice: Report of the Working Group on Customary and Informal Justice and SDG16+

October 20, 2023

The report Diverse pathways to people-centered justice is the result of a collaborative effort from the Working Group on Customary and Informal Justice (CIJ) and SDG16+, comprising 60+ organizations including UNDP, UN WOMEN, Cordaid, Folke Bernadotte Academy, IDLO, Namati, ODI, The Pathfinders, and many other, established to advocate for the centrality of CIJ systems as critical to advance access to justice for all and indispensable to the achievement of SDG16.

The report pleads for increased engagement with CIJ actors. It reviews the characteristics of CIJ, discusses why they are integral to achieving justice for all, reframes the risks of engagement and non-engagement with CIJ and proposes ways to effectively engage. The recommendations to policymakers and practitioners include:

  1. Adopt a justice systems approach to understand the diversity of justice providers and shape reform plans.
  2. Deliver a step-change in justice support through expanded CIJ engagement to achieve justice for all by 2030.
  3. Empower justice seekers, especially marginalised groups, to participate in and benefit from CIJ systems.
  4. Advance women and girls’ participation and leadership and ensure the protection of their rights in CIJ systems.
  5. Support development partners to engage with CIJ to deliver people-centred justice.
  6. Increase investment in people-centred justice, including CIJ systems.