Adapting the Indashyikirwa Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Programme: Lessons Learned in Iraq and Lebanon

Adapting the Indashyikirwa Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Programme: Lessons Learned in Iraq and Lebanon
March 6, 2023
The United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) global project “Ending Gender-Based Violence and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals” seeks innovative ways to address gender-based violence (GBV), including through integrating GBV programming within large-scale sectoral development programmes and applying participatory ‘planning and paying’ approaches. Seven pilots took part in this project, involving UNDP country offices in Bhutan, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Peru, the Republic of Moldova and Uganda. Pilots in Iraq and Lebanon choose and adapted an evidence-based model called “Indashyikirwa” (Agents of Change). This report compares “Indashyikirwa” adaptation experiences, processes and outcomes in these two settings.