Executive Board

First regular session 2024

Please note that the following documents are advance copies subject to change in the final versions. Once the documents are issued in the official languages, a link is established to final language versions which are available on the Official Document System of the United Nations (ODS).

Indicative list of UNDP country programmes to be presented to the Executive Board in 2024 (as of 18 March 2024)

Item 1. Organizational matters
DP/2024/L.1Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplanDocument (all languages) 
DP/2024/1Report of the second regular session 2023Document (all languages)
DP/2024/2Decisions adopted by the Executive Board in 2023Document (all languages)
DP/2024/CRP.1Annual workplan of the Executive Board for 2024EN ES FR
Item 6. Country programmes and related matters
Starting with the first regular session 2021 of the Executive Board of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, to facilitate the review of draft CPDs presented to the session, the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks (finalized or drafts) will be made available on the UNSDG website accessible via the following link: https://unsdg.un.org/resources/executive-board-documents-sessions.
DP/2024/5Extensions of country programmes Document (all languages 
   Evaluation PlanICPE/or equivalent
 Africa region
DP/DCP/GMB/4Draft country programme document for the GambiaEnglishEnglishEnglish
 Comments from Member States   
 Country programme document for the GambiaFinal document  
DP/DCP/GIN/4Draft country programme document for GuineaEnglishEnglishEnglish
 Comments from Member States   
 Country programme document for GuineaFinal document  
DP/DCP/MDG/5Draft country programme document for MadagascarEnglish English English 
 Comments from Member States   
 Country programme document for MadagascarFinal document  
DP/DCP/MUS/5Draft country programme document for MauritiusEnglish English English 
 Country programme document for MauritiusFinal document  
DP/DCP/SYC/4Draft country programme document for SeychellesEnglishEnglishEnglish
 Country programme document for SeychellesFinal document  
 Asia and the Pacific region
DP/DCP/BTN/3Draft country programme document for BhutanEnglish English English 
 Country programme document for BhutanFinal document  
DP/DCP/KHM/5Draft country programme document for CambodiaEnglishEnglishEnglish
 Country programme document for CambodiaFinal document  
DP/DCP/PHL/4Draft country programme document for the PhilippinesEnglish English English
 Comments from Member States   
 Country programme document for the PhilippinesFinal document  
 Latin America and the Caribbean region
DP/DCP/BRA/4Draft country programme document for BrazilEnglishEnglishEnglish
 Comments from Member States   
 Country programme document for BrazilFinal document  
Item 7. Evaluation
DP/2024/6Evaluation of UNDP support to the digitalization of public servicesDocument (all languages)
 Full report 
DP/2024/7Management response to the evaluation of UNDP support to the digitalization of public servicesDocument (all languages)


Item 2. Recommendations of the Board of Auditors
DP/2024/3      UNDP: Report on the recommendations of the United Nations Board of Auditors for 2022: Status of implementationDocument (all languages)   
A/78/5/Add.1UNDP: Financial report and audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022 and Report of the Board of AuditorsDocument (all languages)   
DP/2024/4UNCDF: Report on the implementation of the recommendations of the United Nations Board of Auditors, 2022Document (all languages)   
A/78/5/Add.2UNCDF: Financial report and audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022 and Report of the Board of AuditorsDocument (all languages)   
Item 3. Follow-up to UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board meeting
DP-FPA/2024/1UNDP and UNFPA report on the implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the Programme Coordinating Board of UNAIDS on HIV/AIDSDocument (all languages)    
Item 4. Field visits
DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF-UNW-WFP/2024/1Report of the joint field visit of the Executive Boards of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS, UNICEF, UN-Women and WFP to SenegalEN ES FR