Enhancing human security through local climate actions


“Enhancing human security through local climate actions project” aims to build a comprehensive approach on climate change adaptation and resilience through local actions, with a focus on human security considerations. The project component includes adaptive agriculture, energy, early warning, community infrastructure and capacity building. Lessons learnt from the project will be converted into knowledge products, which will contribute to the body on knowledge on human security and local climate action interplay and can be referenced and replicated. The project targets Bheri Municipality, Nalgad Municipality and Barekot Rural Municipality of Jajarkot District, and Aathbiskot Municipality and Sani Bheri Rural Municipality in Rukum West District in Karnali Province. It is financially supported by the Government of Japan and implemented by UNDP and its local partners on the grounds


Nepal, despite having very low carbon footprint, is among the most vulnerable countries to climate risks in the world. Climatic extreme events such as floods and landslides hit Nepal every year causing colossal damage to human lives, livelihoods and infrastructure. The country, therefore, has a strong vision of making Nepal a risk resilient society by 2050 and this project is geared to build resilience.

Project Outputs:

  • Human security and local climate action framework of Nalagdh Municipality and Barekot Rural Municipalities 
  • Communities and municipalities capacitated on local climate adaptation measures.
  • Improved human security in project area through nature-based solutions and local climate actions (improve early warming, adaptive agriculture, smart energy solutions and community infrastructures)
  • Portable energy solutions provided to Western Nepal Earthquake affected communities



GESI Component 

The project design and execution will be informed by Gender Equality and Social and Disability Inclusion (GEDSI) considerations, which entail that all capacity building initiatives, community infrastructure interventions and knowledge products will be GEDSI inclusive.

Related Documents


Project details:

Project StatusActive
Project PeriodMarch 2023-December 2024
Project ID01000346
Focus AreaEnergy, Environment, Climate and Disaster Risk Management
Source of FundingEmbassy of Japan & UNDP
Implementing AgencyUNDP
Collaborating PartnersNational Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA)/ Ministry of Home Affairs
Department of Hydrology and Meteorology/ Ministry of Energy Water Resources and Irrigation
Department of Agriculture under Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock  
Barekot Rural Municipality, Jajarkot District, Karnali Province 
Nalgadh Municipality, Jajarkot District, Karnali Province
Bheri Municipality, Jajarkot District, Karnali Province
Aathbiskot Municipality, Rukum West District, Karnali Province
Sani Bheri Rural Municipality, Rukum West District, Karnali Province
Academia and Development Partners 
BudgetUSD 999,173


Contact Details

ContactCO Focal Point/ Project Focal Point

Sudhir Kumar
Risk Management Specialist 
Email: sudhir.kumar@undp.org