National Agreement among the Bike Riders Union, the Sierra Leone Police and the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority.

Signed National Agreement among the Bike Riders Union, the Sierra Leone Police and the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority
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November 18, 2024
In a significant move towards peace-building and youth empowerment, a National Agreement has been signed t between the Bike Riders Union and state authorities, represented by the Sierra Leone Police and the Sierra Leone Road Safety Authority (SLRSA). The agreement marks a milestone in the Peacebuilding Fund-supported project "Empowering Youth Bike Riders as Sustainable Agents of Peace in Sierra Leone”.
The "Empowering Youth Bike Riders as Sustainable Agents of Peace" project, funded by the Peacebuilding Fund and implemented by UNDP and UNCDF in partnership with the Ministry of Youth Affairs, aims to empower young bike riders while fostering trust socially, legally, and financially in society.