Economic Governance for Growth 2

EGG 2 Project

The Economic Governance for Growth 2 (EGG 2) seeks to support good governance and growth, through enabling investments in education, entrepreneurship and innovation, while fostering the growth of market-oriented capabilities for a knowledge-based development. 

EGG 2 Project Goal

EGG Project seeks to improve institutional and policy frameworks for the creation of a knowledge society.

With support of the Kingdom of Norway, in close collaboration with local authorities, UNDP will advocate reforms, provide assistance and implement different projects aimed to secure self-reliance of the domestic institutions on the pathway to digital and entrepreneurship-oriented education that encourages innovation.

What will EGG 2 do?

The Project will address a systemic flaw in providing better access to digital learning opportunities. EGG2 supports and improves enabling environment for entrepreneurship development. Furthermore, EGG 2 will strengthen applied research and development. 

The Project will pursue an integrated approach to generating economic growth opportunities in target localities through activities grouped into three inter-related and closely connected pillars – education, entrepreneurship and innovation. 

Through this Education pillar, the Project will create set of workshops focused on STEM topics across selected primary and secondary schools in target local governments, which is expected to cultivate interest in technological disciplines. 

This includes activities to support institutional partners in providing better access to digital learning opportunities. Together we want to assess the current digital education capacities at primary and secondary level in both entities. EGG2 Project will design and administer a survey of teaching aids, curricula and human resources designated for teaching digital skills in primary schools. 

The Project will establish STEM laboratories countrywide; develop national STEM community of practice; and design, develop and adapt an online-based university-level IT degree program. Also, Project aims to create and institutionalize a high school diploma-level IT curriculum.

Entrepreneurship is the second pillar of EGG2. The Project will connect with entrepreneurs, encourage greater cooperation between institutions and private sector, encourage more concrete joint activities and inclusion of local economy into how community plans efforts in the education. The Project will continue to implement entrepreneurship curricula in selected high schools, which was developed through the EGG1 intervention. 

Finally, third pillar is Innovation, where Project seeks to introduce a platform through which prevalent industrial problems and challenges could be addressed and will award the most innovative solutions with grants.

Main beneficiaries

EGG2 wants to address current industry workforce needs, mindful of the prevalent negative migratory flows and immediate corporate needs. The Project will support economic governance and growth through enabling investments in education, entrepreneurship and innovation. Direct EGG2 beneficiaries are:

  • Local governments and cantons that will receive support through direct assistance on strengthening their capacities 
  • Students benefiting from demand-driven skill upgrade 
  • Established and aspiring entrepreneurs benefiting from project-instigated ecosystem infrastructure 
  • Educational institutions piloting STEM education in target areas

Expected Results

It is expected that EGG2 will generate measurable and direct results in cooperation with the local partners, schools, private sector actors, but also individuals – students and entrepreneurs:

  • 1500 elementary, high-school and university students will benefit from learning opportunities provided through the Project (at least 30% for women);
  • 500 prospective entrepreneurs will receive direct development or learning assistance (at least 40% females). 
  • Support the design and implementation of 15 research and development projects aimed at developing market-ready products and solutions. The Project will also pursue the development and adoption of sustainable and EU-harmonized policies in the field of IT learning, entrepreneurship support and innovation. Through implementation, EGG2 will develop new targeted 2 policy instruments, and 2 formal learning programs;
  • EGG2 will operationalize 10 new STEM laboratories;
  • Develop market-driven IT degree program offered by accredited higher education institution, but also introduce entrepreneurship learning programs in vocational schools;
  • Advocate for increase in investment in research and development by participating public authorities, and secure co-funding of R&D projects.



Start date:

December 1, 2021

Estimated end date:

November 30, 2025

Geographic Coverage

Bosnia and Herzegovina


Government of Norway