Our partners

UNDP and Foundations 

UNDP recognizes the tremendous knowledge that foundations offer in various areas ranging from governance, environment to health and financial inclusion and works with them to utilize their expertise and knowledge capacities. Our partnerships with philanthropy build on a range of assets and comparative advantages to find solutions to common development challenges. Both global and local foundations provide strong backing for UNDP's development activities. We work in partnership with community foundations and civil society organizations to better address issues at the local level. 

All levels of the organization, including UNDP country offices, regional centers and the (Head Quarters) (HQ), are involved in partnerships and relationships with philanthropy. At the HQ, our focus is on forging global relations spanning a number of countries or a thematic focus. In contrast, collaboration at the country level emphasizes partnerships to tackle concrete issues and link them with policy discussions and national development plans. 

UNDP is also actively seeking to develop relations with foundations and philanthropic organizations from emerging countries where philanthropy is growing. 


Partnering with foundations in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 

We are engaging with foundations in country-based dialogues about implementing the 2030 Agenda. Our activities focus on developing innovative partnerships and testing new ways of communication, inviting foundations and civil society organizations to policy discussions and other outreach events to encourage foundations to participate in the 2030 development agenda. 

UNDP works with private independent foundations and corporate foundations. The Public Partnerships Group (PPG) focuses on high-potential, grant-giving private independent foundations. With the Sustainable Finance Hub (SFH), PPG provides corporate guidance on engagement with relevant foundations to UNDP's technical, regional, country and representation offices. We focus on developing and strengthening partnerships, broadening engagement, understanding each partner, and harmonizing institutional efforts. 


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