Assessment Report on Enforcement of Anti-Corruption Measures in the State Administration and Other Public Authorities

Assessment Report on Enforcement of Anti-Corruption Measures in the State Administration and Other Public Authorities

May 25, 2022

In cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), The Agency for Prevention of Corruption has developed a Methodology for assessing the application of anti-corruption measures, as a new tool in the fight against corruption. The purpose of the methodology is to assess whether the authorities are implementing anti-corruption measures, i.e. to what extent the implementation of these measures has led to a certain change, as well as to encourage the authorities to be proactive in planning and implementing anti-corruption measures that are not mandatory.

The pilot version of the Methodology was applied to authorities from two selected sectors: State Administration and other Public Authorities and Social and Child Protection, and its development took into account the recommendations given in the description of the methodology "Assessment of Anti-Corruption Initiatives" conducted by the Civil Rights and Anti-Corruption Commission of the Republic of Korea.

The report provides an overview of the performance of state bodies in fulfilling four categories, as well as a set of recommendations for improving the state of affairs in order to fight corruption more effectively.

The development of the Methodology and Assessment Report on Enforcement of Anti-Corruption Measures was supported within the project “Strengthening Capacities for the Acceleration of EU Accession of Montenegro”, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by the United

Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in cooperation with the Office for European Integration and the Secretariat General of the Government. During this activity, support to the Agency for Prevention of corruption was provided by consultants Dragana Krunic and Marko Sosic.

Document Type
Regions and Countries