The Social Benefits Study for priority amendments to the Law on Social and Child Protection

The Social Benefits Study for priority amendments to the Law on Social and Child Protection

July 27, 2022

The Study proposes the priority, financially sustainable social cash transfers/benefits amendments to the Law on Social and Child Protection. It is entirely based on the real evidence-based data and simulations generated through Social Welfare Information System (SWIS) – e-Social Card, and it offers an overview of social transfers, and it covers the following major issues:

Who are the citizens in social (financial) need who are not eligible for family allowance due to rigorous legal requirements?

By analysis of the rejected applications (non-eligible) it determines so-called exclusion error from the social protection system. Those are citizens who consider themselves to be in social need and apply for the cash transfer (means-tested) but are rejected based on the legally set restrictive eligibility criteria (assets, income). The last resort work-unable beneficiaries’ caseload was also analysed for the first time.

The Study provides multiple cash transfers analysis, analysis of the financial (means-tested) situation of personal disability allowance beneficiaries and trends of one-off cash assistance as of an indicator of the crises impact.

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