End-of-life solutions for solar photovoltaics and wind power systems in Viet Nam

End-of-life solutions for solar photovoltaics and wind power systems in Viet Nam

December 13, 2021

Renewable energy production in Viet Nam started at a significant level only in 2018. As the lifetime of a renewable energy equipment varies from 20 to 30 years, initially there will be only limited quantites of waste. This represents an opportunity which should not be missed for setting up a proper system for the waste manage of EOL renewable energy plants.

This study provides the first opportunity to assess the baseline and estimate the potential volumes of solar and wind power waste expected in Vietnam in the coming years. The potentially hazardous as well as resource rich nature of these waste streams necessitates proper management, both from and environmental and strategic resource perspective.

Given the existing legislative frameworks, industrial capacity in Viet Nam, and the growth of the renewable energy sector, there is positive outlook for the development of sound policies, technical infrastructure and strong financing mechanism for proper handling of end-of-life solar and wind power waste in the near future.