Diversification – as a key to business sustainability

May 4, 2020

UNDP Uzbekistan image

"Rano Sheber"  - a wool processing and sewing factory that we supported in 2018, today has started production of medical masks.

One of the strengths of small business is its ability to instantly respond and adapt to various conditions or crises without significant losses. Within our activities in Karakalpakstan we supported women's entrepreneurship in the Takhtakupyr district.

These days, we helped to save jobs for four women living in the district through providing the “Rano-Sheber” small enterprise with raw materials, which is re-orienting its business. Now they are to produce medical masks. Their tagret - 25.000 masks per month masks: 20 000 will be submitted to the Ministry of Health of Karakalpakstan and others for the community residents.

In 2015, Ulbolsyn opened a small camel wool processing factory at the “Aydin Zhol” Village Council of Citizens. And in 2018, with the support of our joint project funded by the UN Human Security Fund, she received modern equipment to expand her business.

- "Using the new technologies, we started the production of clothes, bedding, and other goods from camel wool. Our consumers are the residents of Karakalpakstan, we deliver our products to the market throughout the republic. Before the announcement of quarantine for the coronavirus in Uzbekistan, we conducted master classes and training courses for residents.” - said Ulbolsyn Annabaeva, head of “Rano-Sheber ” small enterprise.

Providing women and girls with equal access to education, develop their potential in various fields, including entrepreneurship, will fuel sustainable economies and the development of communities in all corners of the world.