Sustainable Development Strategy for Ukraine by 2030

Sustainable Development Strategy for Ukraine by 2030
December 27, 2017
Draft of Sustainable Development Strategy for Ukraine by 2030 and the National Action Plan on the Strategy Implementation by 2020 are the results of the analytical work carried out by Ukrainian experts with support from the United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine and the Global Environment Facility within the implementation of "Integrating RIO Conventions Provisions into Ukraine’s National Policy Framework" project.
The proposed draft Strategy is regarded as a framework document that will determine the strategic direction of Ukraine's long-term development. The principal aspect of the document development was the consideration of the Sustainable Development Goals, adapted for Ukraine by 2030, along with the key provisions of the updated EU Sustainable Development Strategy. The Strategy of Sustainable Development of Ukraine by 2030 and the National Action Plan by 2020, on condition that they are approved at state level, could become an effective tool for future implementation of the principles of balanced regional development.