Assessment of the crime and justice statistics of the Republic of Moldova

Assessment of the crime and justice statistics of the Republic of Moldova

October 20, 2022

The statistics of the Republic of Moldova on crime and justice were evaluated by national and international experts, within the project "Strengthening the efficiency and access to justice in Moldova", implemented by UNDP Moldova, with the financial support of Sweden. The assessment, carried out in collaboration with the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) of the Republic of Moldova, aimed to review the current situation in the area of crime and justice statistics, focusing on the authorities involved in data collection, on their role and institutional capacity, on data and mechanisms, on existing systems.

In total, 16 authorities involved in the collection and exchange of crime and justice data were consulted, including the NBS. The degree of compliance was determined on one hand by the quality principles from the Code of Good Practices of European Statistics, among which are relevance and usefulness, timeliness, punctuality, and comparability, in relation to which served as benchmarks in carrying out the sectoral assessment. On the other hand, the UNDP evaluators determined the extent to which the recommendations and classifications of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) are implemented, as well as identified the current strengths and challenges of the national statistical system in the field.

Based on the analyses carried out, a set of recommendations was developed to encourage the operation of improvements in accordance with national needs and international standards. These can be found in the Assessment Report on Crime and Justice Statistics of the Republic of Moldova and in the Roadmap to operationalize the recommendations and to accompany the process of further alignment with relevant international statistical standards and EU standards