Economic profile of the livestock and dairy production micro-cluster “Cimișlia-Basarabeasca”

Economic profile of the livestock and dairy production micro-cluster “Cimișlia-Basarabeasca”

November 30, 2023

The economic profile of the livestock and dairy production micro-cluster “Cimișlia-Basarabeasca” provides an analysis of the activities, dynamics, and potential synergies between its 22 members, public and private entities directly or indirectly involved in the zootechnic sector. The statistics explored in the profile highlights the significant importance of the micro-region in terms of the production, processing, and the development of the livestock sector in the Republic of Moldova, with a substantial impact on local economies.

The livestock micro-cluster “Cimișlia-Basarabeasca” is developed with the support of the Swiss-funded and UNDP-implemented project "Resilient and Inclusive Markets" and is primarily specialized in the production and processing of sheep and goat milk, while also ensuring the production of derivative products such as meat, hides, and wool.