Solutions Safari

The UNDP Maldives Accelerator Lab operate on the premise that the solutions to the problems that we are seeking to address, already exist and a lot of those solutions and deep-rooted knowledge and thinking that could contribute to the development of holistic solutions are out there already! With you!
And that is why we are launching our very first virtual Solutions Safari!
The Solutions Safari is an exercise conducted by UNDP Maldives Accelerator Lab to map and provide visibility to local solutions and local innovators. A solution can be just an idea, something that you are currently working on or even something that has been tested and proven. Anything that solves an identified problem, benefits or have the potential to benefit an identified population.
This is not a competition and we won’t be evaluating any of the solutions submitted. We believe that:
1) There could be multiple solutions to any one single problem;
2) Every solution has to start from somewhere;
3) Real magic happens when you share your great ideas and collaborate with other great minds passionate about solving the same challenges that keeps you up at night!
Our intention is to collate all of these solutions on an interactive digital platform, where different innovators can also interact with each other, share ideas and collaborate. We also want this platform to be a space where everyone can see how your ideas/ solutions are already and have the potential to accelerate the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
So if you have got a solution, we want to hear from you.
The deadline to make a submission to this first Solutions Safari is by May 13, 2021.
Submit your solutions here:
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