Prevention And Response To Sexual Misconduct
All forms of sexual harassment and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) are unacceptable and are prohibited in UNDP, whether perpetrated against a recipient of assistance or a coworker. Sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse violate human rights and are a betrayal of the core values of the United Nations. It is our collective priority to prevent such behaviours and to support those affected. We are also committed to ensure that all allegations of sexual harassment and SEA are responded to swiftly, appropriately and effectively.
Learn more about the United Nations' and UNDP’s work, policies and mechanisms including the Secretary-General's Bulletin on sexual exploitation and abuse in place, on preventing and reporting on sexual exploitation and abuse: Prevention and Response to Sexual Misconduct | United Nations Development Programme (

Report Fraud, Abuse and Misconduct:
Investigations | United Nations Development Programme (
Submit social or environmental complaint:
Gender Parity:
UNDP advocates for and recommends gender balanced panels and delegations. This stand is taken as reaffirmed by the UN Strategy on Gender Parity launched by the UN Secretary General in Sep 2017, and as per UNDP’s Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025 aligned with the UNDP Strategic Plan. Accordingly, UNDP Maldives is making a conscious choice to uphold and advocate for better representation and create diversity in dialogue - reiterating its commitment to participate in and facilitate gender balanced panels and delegations, as part of our gender mainstreaming into all UNDP programme and operations.
We encourage our stakeholders and partners to join us in this pledge. to have panels and delegations that are gender balanced with equal representation of women and men and where the voices and recommendations of women and men will be upheld equally and inform decision making in the spirit of respect and dignity for all.