First of its kind, ‘Judiciary for Juniors’ Programme kicks-off
December 17, 2022

The ‘Judiciary for Juniors’ programme targeted towards young women and men between 15 - 20 years in the Maldives, kick-started today, with the participation of 40 young men and women.
The programme is conducted by the United Nations Development Programme in the Maldives in partnership with the Judicial Service Commission and Department for Judicial Administration. This initiative is supported with UK aid from the British people.

The 8-day programme aims to build interest in the judiciary and Judgeship among prospective law students and students in general and increase their knowledge on the Justice sector and access to justice.
The programme aims to attract young people towards career ambitions within the judicial field, including Judgeship, administrative systems, policy-making, implementation of legislation and media and communications within the judicial sector.

The programme supports a culture of transparency within the Judiciary, providing key information on due processes (including informing participants of how a Judicial System/Court case is handled through the due process) to the younger generation who will be newly introduced to the judicial system.
‘Judiciary for Juniors’ sessions will be conducted by a team of facilitators comprising of Judges, Lawyers, JSC staff, DJA staff, UNDP staff, and other experts within the judicial sector.

“Simply put, we do what we do, because, everyone deserves a good judge. As difficult as our task is, I have no doubt we will be able to bring positive and meaningful changes to our system. Our work here aims to increase the confidence of the people that justice will be served,” said Hissaan Hussain, President of the Judicial Service Commission.

“We hope that at the end of this program we are able to provide you all with a greater understanding of the judiciary’s work. Equipped with knowledge about the justice system, it is important that young people from all walks of life feel a sense of empowerment to speak on fundamental constitutional principles and, should you wish, pursue a career in the law,” said Aishath Rizna, Chief Judicial Administrator

"A strong justice and judicial system is an essential part of a country’s critical national infrastructure. This programme will give participants a keen sense of the ethical and intellectual challenges involved in a career in the judiciary and the courts and an understanding of the administration and how it all works," said Caron Röhsler, British High Commissioner to the Maldives.

"UNDP has been a long-standing partner to strengthen the Maldives Judiciary, supporting to build trusted institutions capable of delivering justice to the people.” said Enrico Gaveglia, UNDP Resident Representative in the Maldives.