In depth

Maldives is one of the most vulnerable nations to the effects of climate change, and is hyrdro-meteorological in nature. As a result disaster risk management and climate change adaptation need to be addressed together. Climate change risks and long-term resilience need to be integrated into island land use planning, coastal development and protection policies and practice.

Environmental sustainability, and climate change and disaster resilience, are  central development challenges faced by Maldives. Intensive rainfall and storm surges are expected to be aggravated through the effects of climate change on weather patterns. This compounds trends of increasing coastal erosion and pressure on scarce land resources, and increases the physical vulnerability of island populations, infrastructure and livelihood assets.

Climate Change

The impacts of climate change in the country are felt by the increasing scarcity of safe water, costal erosion and natural disasters. For instance, the outer islands of the Maldives experience drinking water shortages during the dry season. These shortages have had significant adverse human, environmental and social impacts on the outer island. The key problems pertaining to freshwater security relate to the increasingly variable rainfall patterns induced by climate change and sea-level rise induced salinity of groundwater. UNDP aims to support vulnerable communities in Maldives to manage climate change-induced problems. 

Disaster Risk Reduction

UNDP Maldives is well-recognized as a pioneer in disaster risk reduction in the Maldives, owning to its contributions during the Tsunami recovery period. Our work focuses on the capacity development of the National Disaster Management Authority and establishing systems for the implementation of the Disaster Bill. UNDP works closely with other UN agencies in coordinating efforts in this regard and is highly appreciated as a key national player.