Guidance Note #1: Getting Started With Conflict Sensitivity in Lebanon

Guidance Note #1



Guidance Note #1: Getting Started With Conflict Sensitivity in Lebanon

February 1, 2022

The Conflict Sensitivity Guidance Note series is produced under the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan’s conflict sensitivity mainstreaming work, led by UNDP Lebanon in collaboration with House of Peace. In 2021, three such guidance notes were developed to support implementing partners under the response framework.

The first guidance note How to Get Started with Conflict Sensitivity in Lebanon - aims to provide partners with practical tips for getting started with conflict sensitivity within the unique context of Lebanon. The note draws on examples from both humanitarian and stabilization interventions in Lebanon and illustrates that conflict sensitivity is equally relevant to both short- and medium-term  interventions. If you’re new to this topic, and wondering about the first steps, this document is for you!

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