Gender Equality Seal for Public Institutions

Project Summary

The project focuses on enhancing Kosovo’s institutional mechanisms for Women's Advancements while bolstering the technical and managerial capacities of policymakers and civil servants to integrate gender considerations into public policies. To achieve this, we are piloting the Gender Equality Seal for Public Institutions (GESPI) for and with the Employment Agency, in collaboration with the Agency for Gender Equality Kosovo and plan to extend the implementation of GESPI to other institutions. This comprehensive approach aims to promote gender equality and women's empowerment throughout the  Kosovo’s public sector.

GESPI is an accelerator initiative aimed at promoting gender equality in the framework of 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Implemented in partnership with public institutions and CSOs, the project seeks to accelerate gender equality by improving and transforming key aspects of the institutional architecture. It focuses on three interconnected levels: political and leadership commitment, enhancing gender mainstreaming in the public policy cycle management, and promoting gender-sensitive workplaces. The project aims to strengthen mechanisms for the advancement of women, establish inter-institutional coordination networks, and foster dialogue forums on public policies. It does such through technical support, and promoting and encouraging territorial, horizontal, and inter- sectorial coordination for integrating gender equality principles and practices in operations and policies.


Output 1: Institutions capable of planning, assigning financial resources, monitoring, and evaluating for advancing gender equality in alignment with the 2030 Agenda.
Output 2: Inclusive institutional architecture and skilled staff to mainstream gender equality in institutional work and policies. 
Output 3: Institutional working environments that respect human rights and ensure equity and equality of opportunities and results for all. 
Output 4: Public institutions objectively contribute to gender equality and the fulfilment of the 2030 Agenda. 

To reach these outputs the overarching activities will be conducted:
• Ensure written commitment from the Public Institution.
• Offer technical expertise and support to Public Institution.
• Establish a Committee for Gender Equality within the institution.
• Forge cooperation with other institutions and CSOs in the field of Gender Equality by establishing a technical group.
• Undergo a baseline evaluation to identify gender gaps.
• Draft, implement, and monitor the Action Plan in line with the GEPSI Standard Matrix and (inter)national GE policy. 
• Undergo the final external assessment of obtaining the Seal. 
• Organise an awarding ceremony.

Active (NEW)

Time Frame:
01/01/2023- 30/11/2023

Public institutions in Kosovo. Currently: Employment Agency of Kosovo.

Focus Area:
Gender equality and women’s empowerment;
Peace, justice and strong institutions;

Main beneficiaries: public institutions and their staff. Indirect beneficiaries: women and men affected by the pertaining policies of the institutions and benefiting from their services.

Agency for Gender Equality, Ministry of Finance, Labour and Transfer, Agency for Employment, CSOs/NGOs, including women’s rights organizations.

UNDP Funding Windows

USD 35,540

Marta K. Gazideda 
Governance and Peacebuilding Portfolio Manager/ Deputy Programme Coordinator 
Tel: +383 38 249 066; 
Mob: +383 49 785 895

Vesa Rezniqi Pallaska
Gender Programme Officer
+381 44 221 657