For over 20 years, UNDP in Kosovo is bringing together institutions, development partners, civil society, and the private sector to design and implement practical solutions for complex challenges. By contributing to equitable development for all, and by applying the principle of Leave No One Behind, we support Kosovo in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and its path on its path towards European Integration.
We thank all of them for their commitment and look forward to jointly addressing new challenges in an ever-changing world.
Kosovo’s central and local institutions are one of our key development partners. UNDP works closely with the executive to strengthen the legal and policy framework, further develop individual and institutional capacities, and support the functioning of institutional mechanisms and systems, all of which contribute to democratic, accountable, and transparent governance. Working with the judiciary, UNDP promotes the rule of law and access to justice for all Kosovo inhabitants while the cooperation with the legislative is focused on integrating Sustainable Development Goals in Assembly’s work.
UNDP is a member of the United Nations Kosovo Team (UNKT) comprising of 14 resident and three non-resident UN agencies, funds, and programmes, and closely coordinates with the World Bank Kosovo Office. The United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework guides the work of the United Nations development system in Kosovo, including of UNDP.
UNDP’s integrator mandate serves both as a foundation for a strong UN development system and as a key provider of integrated services and platforms in support of a coherent UN system approach to the achievement of the SDGs. UNDP supports the achievement of Kosovo institutions’ priorities framed by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), regional integration objectives, and international human rights commitments and principles. UNDP serves as an impartial, normative, and operational development partner in cooperation with local and international actors to strengthen development impacts for people in Kosovo to live healthier, longer, and more dignified, prosperous and secure lives.
In a world where complex issues have wide-reaching effects, singular action is needed to achieve sustainable development results. Partnerships are a key component in this process because a sustained, holistic, approach with a broad base is more likely to succeed.
UNDP has a long history of working successfully with development partners in support of sustainable development based on understanding of development issues and of the local context; convening power that brings together stakeholders; expertise and mandate in developing capacities of governments, private sector, and civil society; upholding social and environmental standards.
We bring together institutional priorities, development partners’ focus, and our know-how to design and implement effective and efficient interventions which contribute to democratic institutions and improve people’s wellbeing. Governance, economic development and employment, climate change and environment, social cohesion and cultural heritage, safety and security, dealing with the past are the main areas where we actively contribute.
UNDP in Kosovo works at empowering CSOs through project implementation to actively take part in decision-making and improve cooperation with institutions at the local level to promote transparent funding.
The CO is partnering with the private sector in a pilot project to improve women’s access in the labour market and economy in the STEM fields, by strengthening the eco-system that will motivate and support more women studying and joining STEM/Engineering fields.