Guidelines for the allocation, assessment, and management of high conservation value forests in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Руководство по выделению, оценке и управлению лесами высокой природоохранной ценности в Республике Казахстан
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DownloadGuidelines for the allocation, assessment, and management of high conservation value forests in the Republic of Kazakhstan
December 24, 2024
The guidelines were developed and published within the framework of the project "Conservation and Sustainable Management of Key Globally Significant Ecosystems for Obtaining Various Benefits," implemented with the support of UNDP, financed by the GEF, and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The guidelines provide a description of the categories and types of high conservation value forests identified in Kazakhstan based on international practices and national specifics; they include practical recommendations on their allocation and assessment, management organization, and monitoring.
The guidelines contain a large volume of reference materials that can be used when identifying high conservation value forests in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The guidelines are recommended for use by forestry specialists, state environmental protection and eco-oriented non-governmental organizations, scientists, educators, and students of humanities and technical fields in natural resource management.
The guidelines have been approved by the Scientific and Technical Council of the Forestry and Wildlife Committee of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Protocol of the Forestry Development Section meeting dated June 7, 2023).