Women-focused Rural Revitalization and Sustainable Development in Yunnan Province, China
SDG Pilot Village
The SDG Pilot Village project is the first initiative demonstrating how the SDGs can be implemented locally at the village level in China. It focuses on building integrative capacity with gender perspectives for the local government and the community. It also aims to ensure villagers, especially the women of the Yi Ethnic group, can harness development opportunities through rural ecotourism, reduce poverty and achieve rural revitalization in a sustainable way.
The Project is jointly carried out in partnership with the China Women’s Development Foundation, in close collaboration with the China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE), Women’s Federation of Yunnan Province and Yongren County Government, with financial support from Mary Kay Inc.

Yi women from Waipula village showcase their traditional embroidery skills
To localize the SDGs in China, in September 2016 the government introduced China’s National Plan on the Implementation of Sustainable Development Agenda, which focuses on domestic development objectives as well as international obligations. The project’s aim is therefore to support the Chinese government’s commitment to sustainable development by setting up a village-level model that can demonstrate and share experiences learnt within the country and abroad, as well as leverage UNDP’s comparative advantages.
Poverty Reduction (Phase I): In 2017, most chronically impoverished people were found in China’s ethnic minority groups, and particularly among women living in mountainous area. Yunnan Province possessed the largest number of those chronic poverty in China.
Rural Revitalization (Phase II): After having achieved its goal of eradicating extreme poverty by the end of 2020, rural revitalization has become a critical component of the government’s 2020-2025 work plan. The rural revitalization strategy aims to promote the sustainable development of the countryside, including creating a robust rural economy.
Project outcome
Phase II of the project aims to:
Accelerate entrepreneurship: enhance the capacity of villagers, especially women, and raise their income
Promote diversity and inclusion: safeguard the local ethnic culture and empower women's development
Advance green development: protect the natural environment and promote sustainable villages.
GESI Component
This is a GEN3 project at UNDP China.
The SDG Pilot Village project has integrated a gender-responsive and inclusive perspective into project management and implementation procedures. The project has taken GESI strictly into consideration and has prioritized its focus on women, the poor and the elderly
As a women’s empowerment project, it has many women-focused components such as the establishment of the local women’s association, women’s art troupe, and the women's ecological agriculture training base. The project also strongly encourages the villagers, especially women, to pursue a sense of personal achievement.
In addition, the project ensures women’s participation at all stages, both as staff of project management offices, recipients of various forms of technical assistance, and experts and consultants recruited by the project.

Advancing green development by promoting sustainable villages in Waipula, Yunnan
Major Acheivements
Current poverty rate of Waipula Village is 0%, down from 28% in 2017
607 local women obtained employment & income promotion, some emerged as community leaders
120 long-term migrant workers and 210 seasonal migrant workers returned home for employment and entrepreneurship
People’s per capita income grew to ¥14,128 by the end of 2021 from ¥5,000 in 2015
The total income of the Waipula Rural Ecotourism Cooperative reached almost ¥300,000 by the end of 2021
Related Materials

The project focuses on accelerating entrepreneurship among the villagers and raising their incomes, especially women