Open Call for financing civil society organisations' projects supporting victims and survivors of the conflicts from the 1990s

January 28, 2025
a person holding a sign

With the support of the European Union (EU), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina announces the Second public call for civil society organisations (CSOs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina to submit proposals for projects promoting and protecting the rights of victims and survivors from the conflicts in the 1990s. 

This public call is intended for CSOs registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina, such as associations supporting victims from the conflicts and their families, organisations engaged in promotion or protection of victims and their rights (such as psychosocial support, free legal aid, etc.), transitional justice, and human rights, as well as non-governmental and non-profit academic, research and scientific organisations active in the area of victimology. 

The proposed projects should include activities such as support for victims and survivors of the conflicts from the 1990ies and their families to achieve better access to justice and services, support for criminal justice processes by providing access to victims and witnesses, victims’ rights advocacy campaigns and others.

The selected proposals will receive support through grants of 5,000 to 60,000 EUR. 

The application submission deadline is Monday, February 24, 2025, by 23:00 hours CET (local time). 

More information on terms of application and criteria for the selection is available in BHS languages on the following link:

All requested documentation must be submitted to the e-mail address:

The call results will be published at:

This public call is issued as part of the 2nd cycle of grant distribution within the regional project "EU Support to Confidence Building in the Western Balkans" funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

In this cycle of grants’ awarding, there is also an open public call for project proposals aimed at public awareness raising, available at the following link: