List of selected local self-government units and cantons according to the public call for participation in the project "Sustainable Tourism for Green Growth Along the Via Dinarica Trails in Bosnia and Herzegovina” (Via Dinarica III)
October 29, 2024

The Via Dinarica project, on August 1, 2024 published a Public Call for local self-government units and cantons to submit applications for participation in the project.
After the closing of the Public Call on August 31, 2024, a total of 15 project proposals were received, of which 14 project proposals from local self-government units (LGs) and one project proposal from the canton. After the expiration of the deadline for submission of applications, an evaluation of all applications was carried out according to the basic (eliminatory) and additional criteria of the Public Call.
Based on the evaluation of the received applications and verification meetings with local self-government units and one canton, which were shortlisted, the final list of selected local self-government units and cantons in the Via Dinarica project was drawn up.
The selected local self-government units and the canton are:
Since the published Public Call planned to co-finance at least 15 project proposals, of which 12 for LGs and 3 for cantons, and that 8 project proposals (7 LGs and 1 canton) were included in the final list of project proposals selected for co-financing, UNDP will publish another public call within the available funds.
The Via Dinarica project team would like to thank all local self-government units and cantons for their interest and effort invested in preparing applications.
The Via Dinarica project is implemented and co-financed by the United Nations Development Program in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNDP BiH), with the financial support of the Agency for Development Cooperation of the Republic of Italy (AICS).