Digital Work – UPWORK job market analysis

Digital Work – UPWORK jobmarket analysis

Digital Work – UPWORK job market analysis

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Digital Work – UPWORK job market analysis

June 7, 2022

This brief is dedicated to the online job market, analyzing publicly available data published by the freelancers on the Internet ( platform).  Although it is hard to estimate the exact number of Western Balkans (WB6) freelancers due to the nature of their work and to the fact that some of them work outside these platforms and engage directly with international clients, remote work is becoming more popular for both clients and service providers, as it is cost efficient and productive.

In this brief are analyzed approx. 23 thousand freelancers located in WB6 registered in the UpWork platform. These analysis captures several indicators such: activity of the freelancers on the online market, amount earned per freelancer, hourly rate per freelancer, skills offered per freelancer etc. These indicators are compared through region to evaluate the status of each country responding to the online job market needs.  The number of freelancers varies among the diverse portal, however UpWork is the largest portal. The profiles of freelancers vary from designers to programmers, accountants, engineers, and others.