Author: Guzal Fayzieva
A Window into the World of Information Technologies: a Rural School on the Path to a Digital Future
November 29, 2024

The yellow brick building of the simple rural school No.9 in the “Khilol” mahalla of Urgench district, Khorezm region, immerses you in a special world of childhood. Despite its modesty, the school exudes a unique atmosphere. The corridors are always full of life, filled with cheerful voices and hurried footsteps of during breaks, the aroma of baked goods wafts from the school cafeteria and the sunlit gym serves as a space for dynamic physical education lessons.
Within these walls, 16-year-old Donokhon Ismailova, 11th-grade student,greets each morning like every teenager with big dreams and plans for her future. The school bell rings early, inviting students to class as signaling the start of a new day. Donokhon, dressed in her formal black-and-white uniform with ribbons woven into her braids, heads to the computer science room – a space that has recently undergone a remarkable transformation.
From that day forward, computer science became Donokhon's favorite subject. She had always been fascinated by computer technology, but learning was limited by outdated resources. The old computers, over twenty years old, were slow and unable to support modern applications. Often, one student would use the computer while others crowded around, waiting for their turn. However, everything changed when 16 modern computers, along with an interactive touchscreen smartboard, were installed in the computer science room. This event marked a significant milestone for both students and teachers.

The interactive smartboard makes lessons lively and interesting
The new equipment was provided as part of the “Sustainable Rural Development” joint project of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan and UNDP financed by Islamic Development Bank and OPEC Fund for International Development. The project aims to create favorable living conditions for rural residents and ensure their access to basic infrastructure and socio-economic services, including access to health care and education. Based on the results of a “Capacity Assessment of the Rural School and DigitalLiteracy of the School Students and Teachers” prepared by the UNDP local expert, the project has helped improve the technical capacity of selected rural schools in pilot regions such as Republic of Karakalpakstan, Khorezm, Navoi and Bukhara regions. Under this initiative, 8 rural schools received interactive smartboards, 128 modern computers, and LAN equipment.

8 rural schools received new equipment
Donokhon’s school was among the selected institutions. For her this was a life-changing surprise. Although she knew that information technology and the Internet opened doors to endless learning opportunities, she lacked access to a computer at home and didn’t own a smartphone. Digital technology seemed distant and unreachable. But with the newly installed modern equipment and high-speed internet, every computer science lesson became an exciting experience.
For the first time, she and her classmates encountered an interactive board that made lessons engaging and dynamic. Graphs and images came alive on the screen, and students could interact with them directly - drawing, solving problems, and moving elements. With these new tools, IT teacher Matluba Ochilova worked tirelessly to bridge the gaps in students’ knowledge.
The results soon followed. Donokhon became one of the winners of a competition held as a part of the “Al-Khorezmiy Vorislari” state project, designed to promote IT education in the Khorezm region by creating alearning chain linking schools, universities and IT companies.
“My parents were even happier than I was when I won. My mother is a housewife, and my father works as a master welder. They have high hopes for me — to get a good education, become a sought-after specialist, and find my place in life. Since the new computers were installed, lessons become both interesting and educational. I’ve learned to use Microsoft Office programs, work with apps, navigate the internet and understand the basics of information security. I’m also studying English deligently because I plan to work in the international IT market in the future.”- Donokhon shared.

Donokhon dreams of working in the international IT market in the future
The new equipment not only improved the quality of computer science lessons but also inspired a growing interest in IT among students. The school even launched an Information Technology Club, which ran during the summer holidays as well. Currently, the club operate four times a week, attracting both children and adults.
“Technology has transformed the educational process across multiple subjects. For example, students now use technology to prepare for the IELTS English proficiency exam. Since receiving the equipment in May, we’ve already seen remarkable results—higher motivation and achievements in various competitions. This is a huge step forward for our school,”noted Zafarbek Ochilov, the director of School No. 9.
This academic year, alongside Donokhon, two of her classmates, Madina Khudaibergenova and Zarina Matyakubova, also achieved outstanding success. Madina placed highly in the district computer science Olympiad. Although she dreams of becoming a doctor, her data analysis and IT skills will undoubtedly serve her well in any field.
Zarina, like Donokhon, won recognition through the “Al-Khorezmiy Vorislari” competition and is currently taking a free six-month training course at the IT Park in Urgench.
Passionate about graphic design and web development, Zarina is actively learning HTML. Both girls dream of continuing their IT education at Seoul National University in South Korea and aspire to return to Uzbekistan toapply their knowledge, bringing modern technology and innovations to every corner of the country.

Zarina and Donokhon won recognition through the “Al-Khorezmiy Vorislari” competition