Statement by Anas Fayyad Qarman, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Uzbekistan at the opening of the training on “Protecting and Promoting Rights of People with Disabilities” for Ombudsperson’s office and CSOs

November 8, 2023
Photo: UNDP Uzbekistan

Assalomu alaykum, Ms. Eshmatova, dear colleagues!

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you gathered here today. It is a great honor to have the opportunity to address a matter of utmost importance - the protection and promotion of the rights of people with disabilities.

As we are all aware, Uzbekistan has made significant progress in the protection of the rights of people with disabilities for the last few years.

In 2017, the President of Uzbekistan signed the Decree "On measures to radically improve the system of state support for persons with disabilities," within the framework of which large-scale work was done to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

As a result, Uzbekistan ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on June 7, 2021, demonstrating its commitment to ensuring the full inclusion and equal participation of individuals with disabilities in society.

Furthermore, the joint resolution adopted by the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis on December 19, 2022, outlines a national action plan for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Uzbekistan for the period of 2023-2025.

Key challenges and gaps

  • Accessibility: Recent World Bank analysis has shown that 85% of buildings and social infrastructure in Tashkent are not adapted and accessible for people with disabilities, including public transport.

  • Education: People with disabilities have almost 20% lower access to pre-school education than people without disabilities.

  • Employment: Globally, people with disabilities experience lower employment rates, resulting in substantial economic losses. In Uzbekistan, only 7.1% of persons with disabilities is full-time employed with 48% working part-time and 80% of them are employed with organizations of people with disabilities.

Gender equality and disability: Gender issues among persons with disabilities in Uzbekistan are a significant concern, as women and girls with disabilities face double discrimination based on their disability and gender. They often experience higher levels of unemployment, financial insecurity, and domestic violence. There are significant inequalities in their access to social, healthcare services, including reproductive health. Traditional attitudes and stereotypes play a vital role in perpetuating these gender disparities, with girls with disabilities facing barriers to education and economic independence.

UNDP has been supporting the government and disability community in the number of efforts towards the inclusion of people with disabilities:

UNDP has been actively promoting the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and supporting the national partners in the development of a National Action Plan for its effective implementation. We have conducted assessments of the accessibility of infrastructure within the Centers for Public Services and the state services provided to people with disabilities.

UNDP has developed the Guidelines on the Delivery of Social Services for Persons with Disabilities.

UNDP attaches special importance to empowerment of girls and women, including with disabilities. About 60% of beneficiaries of our Small Grants Programme to support disability initiatives were women, more than 300 women with disabilities were trained and upskilled in handicrafts, about 150 women volunteers with disabilities were engaged through the Entrepreneurship Support Centers, and so on. UNDP supported girls and women with disabilities with legal trainings, psychological counseling and computer literacy.

The Law "On Provision of Legal Aid at the Expense of the State" ensures that low-income individuals involved in civil and administrative cases, as well as people with disabilities receiving psychiatric care have access to state-funded legal aid. By prioritizing vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities, UNDP acknowledges and addresses the unique challenges they face in accessing to justice. Through targeted interventions, such as specialized training for legal professionals and promoting accessibility in service delivery, we aim to enhance the capacity of legal aid providers to cater to the needs of persons with disabilities.

UNDP's project "Strengthening the rule of law and protecting human rights in Uzbekistan" is committed to continuously support persons with disabilities and their organizations in the realm of legal aid provision. The project aims to enhance the capacity of free legal aid providers to effectively deliver inclusive legal services to persons with disabilities through a series of capacity building interventions.

By promoting the rights of persons with disabilities, the UNDP project seeks to ensure equal access to justice and legal services for all members of society through engaging with relevant stakeholders, including disability rights organizations and national partners to create a more inclusive and accessible legal aid system for all in Uzbekistan, leaving no one behind.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to all participants for their active engagement in this training. I am confident that the knowledge and insights gained during these sessions will contribute to the effective implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Uzbekistan.

UNDP ensures its commitment to continue mainstreaming and inclusion of persons with disabilities in its programming and operation under the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy.

Let us continue to work together to ensure the full realization of the rights of people with disabilities and build an inclusive society for all.

By promoting the rights of persons with disabilities, the UNDP project seeks to ensure equal access to justice and legal services for all members of society through engaging with relevant stakeholders, including disability rights organizations and national partners to create a more inclusive and accessible legal aid system for all in Uzbekistan, leaving no one behind.
Anas Fayyad Qarman, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Uzbekistan