Ensuring Dignity and Justice: Enhancing Preventive Visits for Human Rights Protection in Uzbekistan
December 27, 2023

In line with the National Human Rights Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan is prioritizing the further development of the legal foundations of the national preventive mechanism for the prevention of torture and human rights violations in places of detention and closed institutions. To achieve this, a training session on the "Methodology for Planning and Conducting Preventive Visits by the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) of Uzbekistan in Places of Deprivation or Restriction of Liberty" has taken place on 25-26 December in Tashkent. The training, organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), aimed to enhance the capacity and knowledge of the Ombudsman's staff, regional representatives, and representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in the NPM.

Government has assigned a special role to the Ombudsman of the Republic of Uzbekistan in strengthening the national preventive mechanism. In 2022 alone, the Ombudsman and the public groups conducted 381 monitoring visits to places of detention, engaging with over 6,000 individuals collectively. These efforts have led to the accreditation of the Ombudsman by the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) with a "B" status.
Prior to accreditation by the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), an assessment of the Ombudsman's potential was conducted, resulting in the development of a set of recommendations for further strengthening the capacity and improving the activities of the Ombudsman, as well as enhancing the status within the GANHRI from "B" to "A." In particular, Recommendation No. 11 (b) highlights the need for the development of a separate methodology for national preventive mechanisms. Responding to these recommendations, UNDP has taken the initiative to support the Ombudsman in this endeavor. This support included the development of proposals aimed at improving monitoring methodologies and a training session based on the materials produced through this collaborative effort.

"For me, as a representative of civil society, it is of utmost importance that the theory presented in this training be effectively implemented in the local context of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the near future. The ongoing discussion of the National Preventive Mechanism, which has been in place in Uzbekistan for several years now, is encouraging, as certain issues pertaining to torture have not yet been entirely eradicated. As a lawyer, it is important to me that civil society acquires the necessary expertise to address such matters…”
- Shukhrat Ganiev, Director of the Human Rights Legal Center.

The training session has provided invited representatives with a more comprehensive understanding of the NPM's role, mandate, and strategic approach to conducting preventive visits. The training focused on practical aspects of visit preparation and execution, including data collection, objective definition, standards assessment, and logistical planning. Participants learned key steps involved in conducting visits, such as engaging with administration, conducting interviews with detainees and staff, and addressing complaints. Ethical considerations and proper conduct during visits were high on the agenda in an effort to ensure a professional and respectful approach.
The training session aimed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively carry out the responsibilities of the NPM. By the end of the training, participants were expected to have a clear understanding of the NPM's methodology and practical tools for conducting preventive visits.
This initiative is supported as part of UNDP project "Strengthening the rule of law and human rights protection in Uzbekistan" funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland and implemented by the Ministry of Justice.
UNDP stands firmly alongside the Government of Uzbekistan in their endeavors to create an inclusive society that upholds the values of equality, justice, and dignity for all.