Infographic: The level of awareness on climate-fragility risks in the Ferghana Valley

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Infographic: The level of awareness on climate-fragility risks in the Ferghana Valley

August 15, 2022

UNDP and Uzhydromet conducted a sociological study within the project "Climate Change and Resilience in Central Asia", implemented with the support of the European Union. The study was conducted among 155 leaders and experts in the Fergana Valley to identify the level of awareness and develop an action plan to increase knowledge about climate change and climate risks.
According to the study, respondents more often receive information about climate change and climate risks through the state and non-state television channels of Uzbekistan, but almost twice as rarely through internal documents of the country's departments.
Respondents noted that over the past 20-30 years, as a negative impact of climate change, they began to more often face the deterioration of physical health, a drop in the quality of life, as well as an increase in unemployment.