The UNDP office in Tashkent has reviewed the results of the contest among local journalists and bloggers
The way the media facilitates Uzbekistan's sustainable development
November 16, 2022
The winners have been announced on the topic of «Energy efficient building and Gender mainstreaming – the key to the sustainable development», taking into account gender aspects, is the key to sustainable development». The contest that has been organized within the framework of the joint project of the Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the UNDP Office in Uzbekistan, and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) – «Market Transformation for Sustainable Rural Housing in Uzbekistan», with the assistance of the Center for Retraining of journalists of Uzbekistan. In total, more than 70 applications have been received including 49 women and girls.
The purpose of the competition is to draw public attention to the relevance of improving energy efficiency in the residential sector and to increase the role of women in managing energy consumption and energy saving in their homes and at the community level, as well as to increase media interest in highlighting respect for the environment, efficient consumption of energy resources and expanding the use of renewable energy sources.

At the awards ceremony, Doina Munteanu, the Deputy Permanent Representative of UNDP in Uzbekistan, highlighted the special importance of journalists in informing a wider public of the advantages of energy efficient housing and raising the role of women in energy management on both domestic and community levels:
«This important task can be solved effectively only when journalists and bloggers are involved. The involvement of media in raising the public awareness is an important driver of effective reforms in the energy sector to increase its energy efficiency and to expand the ratio of renewable energy sources in the energy balance of the republic».
The first place in the nomination "The best journalist material" has been given to Raikhon Mukhamadalieva from the city of Namangan. The second place has been given to Dilfuza Guliamova from the city of Navoi. Zoya Erekeeva from the Republic of Karakalpakstan has received the third place award. In the nomination «The best material published as a blog and in social networks», the winners were Avazkhon Khaidarov and Sarvar Kurbanov from the city of Tashkent.
The contest had been preceded by training - seminars in five regions of Uzbekistan whereby journalists and bloggers were increasing their knowledge and skills in covering energy efficiency and developing a society capable of rational use of energy.
«The role and contribution of women in the energy management remain undervalued and have high practical importance in energy saving. My story is dedicated to a female electrician who works in the energy supply system, breaking stereotypes», - said the contest winner Raikhon Mukhamadalieva.
"Teaching your children about saving energy is not only a creative way to spend time with them, but it also helps your home, makhalla and country be more energy efficient and greener which, in the long perspective, will serve as contribution to the fight against climate change" - according to Avazkhon Khaidarov, the bloggers contest winner.
It is already the sixth year that the joint project of UNDP/GEF and the Ministry of Constriction of the Republic of Uzbekistan «Market Transformation for Sustainable Rural Housing in Uzbekistan» has been implemented. The main goal of the project is to provide the rural population of Uzbekistan with improved, accessible and ecologically safe housing. A significant achievement of the project is the design development of 24 kinds of energy efficient houses, which boosted up the mass construction of energy-efficient and low carbon footprint housing across the whole Republic.
On top of that, within the framework of the Project, financial aid has been provided to construct as many as 1 358 energy efficient and low-carbon footprint houses and apartments.