UNDP helps improve access to external markets
April 5, 2023

On 27-31 March UNDP jointly with the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade, and the International Trade Center UNCTAD/WTO organized a five-day training on the use of trade analysis tools and evaluation of foreign markets. The training was attended by more than 25 representatives of ministries and agencies involved in export promotion, as well as representatives of the private sector and non-governmental associations.

The training was aimed at building the capacity and skills of representatives of government agencies, private companies and non-governmental associations related to exports, in terms of using online databases and their market analysis tools to prepare quantitative data on exports of specific products and evaluate their export potential.

The training program included sessions on the use of modern tools of the UNCTAD/WTO International Trade Center (ITC) "Central Asia Trade Information", "Trade Map" and "Market Access Map", which provide an opportunity to obtain up-to-date trade information, determine the target market for export products, level of competition, market access conditions, study of trade agreements and rules of origin, as well as product quality and packaging requirements. As part of the training, participants also worked in small groups to prepare Quantitative Export Factsheet (QEF) brief reports on priority products.