Rural women getting innovative livestock care solutions to adapt to climate change
August 15, 2023

Photo: UNDP Uzbekistan
The practical seminar was held in Ohangaron district, Tashkent region, dedicated to the issues of prevention of diseases in cattle, care of cows, and preparation of compost based on zoo veterinary rules using resource-saving technologies in the conditions of climate change.
The seminar was held by the Innovation Group "Adaptation of the Livestock Sector to Climate Change and Introduction of Modern Technologies in the Production of Dairy Products" which was established within the framework of the UNDP project in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan "Supporting an inclusive transition to a “green” economy in the Agri-food sector and development of a “climate-smart” Uzbek Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation System (EU-AGRIN), funded by European Union.

During the seminar with the attendance of qualified zootechnicians and veterinarians, was providing a practical presentation on keeping and caring for domestic cattle and obtaining high-quality milk products from them, keeping domestic cattle in accordance with modern technologies, in harsh climatic conditions, rational feeding. Participants were informed on issues such as prevention of diseases in cattle at 5 households selected in the Ohangaron district.
The seminar also provided the participants with knowledge on strengthening the fodder base of cattle in the conditions of water shortage, promising and productive nutritious crops and agrotechnology’s of their cultivation, preventive measures to prevent diseases in cattle, mitigating the impact of cattle breeding on climate change, factors of effective use of waste and technology of compost preparation in an innovative way were discussed at the seminar.
Practical advice on animal care was given to the women's questions by experts at the end of the seminar.
The next stage of the seminar is planned to conduct practical training on the use of equipment designed for the analysis, processing, and storage of milk provided within the framework of the EU-AGRIN project funded by the European Union.