Identification of correlations between subnational expenditures and oblast’s dynamics in achieving SDGs

Analytical report

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Identification of correlations between subnational expenditures and oblast’s dynamics in achieving SDGs

July 22, 2022

Ukraine is committed to achieving the SDGs. Since 2015 a series of reforms have been launched in Ukraine, aiming to implement socio-economic transformations and strengthen its democratic system. The SDGs are integrated into the state policy following the principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. An inclusive process of the SDGs adaptation, which was tailored to the national development context, resulted in a national SDGs system consisting of 86 national targets with 183 national-level monitoring indicators.

Analytical report presents the results of analysis of the SDG-related subnational level expenditures in Donetsk and Kherson oblasts based on the UNDP Budget tagging framework for Ukraine covering the period of 2015-2021. In particular, the publication identifies the SDGs that are among oblasts’ financing priorities and the ones which are underfinanced in Donetsk and Kherson oblasts. Also, this report highlights the correlations between subnational expenditures and oblast’s dynamics in achieving SDGs targets indicators in Donetsk and Kherson oblasts.

The report contains the following components:

  1. Chapter 1. Methodology and limitations;
  2. Chapter 2. Results of the analysis;
  3. Further Steps;
  4. Annexes with the Action Plan.

The report has been prepared by UNDP in the framework of implementation of the “Promoting strategic planning and financing for sustainable development at the national and regional levels in Ukraine” Joint Programme before the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine. However, the conclusions and recommendations for sustainable development remain relevant during and after the war.

This report is prepared by UNDP as a part of a comprehensive Joint Programme to promote strategic planning and financing for sustainable development in Ukraine which is implemented by UNDP as the lead agency, together with WHO, UNICEF and the non-resident agency UNECE, to reinforce Ukraine’s SDG financing architecture.