Textbook on Seismic Risk

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Textbook on Seismic Risk

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Textbook on Seismic Risk

January 21, 2025

We are pleased to announce the publication of a textbook on seismic risk, which has been prepared by an internationally recognized expert as part of the project “Strengthening National Capacity for Seismic Risk Assessment, Prevention and Response to Potential Earthquakes”, jointly implemented by UNDP and the Institute of Seismology and Atmospheric Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.

The first textbook of its kind is a comprehensive introduction to the study of seismic risk. It covers a wide range of topics related to earthquakes, including their occurrence, devastating effects on human environments and livelihoods, and current approaches to quantifying and managing seismic risk. The book thoroughly examines existing methods for assessing seismic hazard, vulnerability, and risk, as well as contemporary techniques for managing these risks.

The textbook is intended for students of civil engineering and other engineering specialties as an essential supplement to the course on "Life Safety". Additionally, it is anticipated that this book may prove beneficial for professionals involved in seismic safety and those responsible for making decisions in emergency situations arising from earthquakes. Furthermore, it may be of interest to anyone living in areas prone to earthquakes and interested in the subject.

The publication of this textbook will significantly contribute to the process of building the capacity and training a new generation of professionals in the field of seismic safety.