UNDP Turkmenistan
Procurement is the overall process of acquiring goods, civil works and services which includes all functions from the identification of needs, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contract, and all phases of contract administration through the end of a services’ contract or the useful life of an asset.
As a public organization entrusted with donor funds and committed to supporting developing economies, UNDP abides by the following principles:
Best Value for Money means selection of the offer, which presents the optimum combination of life-cycle costs and benefits, which meet the end-users’ needs. Best Value for Money is the result of several factors, including quality, experience, the vendor’s reputation, and parameters that measure how well the good or service allows the organization to meet its social, environmental or other strategic objectives.
Fairness, Integrity and Transparency, which ensures that competitive processes are fair, open, and rules-based. All potential vendors should be treated equally, and the process should feature clear evaluation criteria, unambiguous solicitation instructions, realistic requirements, and rules and procedures that are easy to understand.
Effective International Competition, understood as giving all potential vendors timely and adequate information on UNDP requirements, as well as equal opportunity to participate in procurement actions, and restricting them only when it is absolutely necessary to achieve UNDP development goals.
In the best interest of UNDP, which means that any business transactions must conform to the mandates and principles of UNDP and the United Nations.
UNDP Procurement is based on competitive bidding. Depending on the type, complexity, size and value of the project and its procurement elements, commonly used methods of solicitation include:
Micro-Purchasing is a simplified and informal procurement method intended for the purchase of readily available goods, standardized services and small works, and where the contract amounts involved are not expected to exceed $10,000. Micro-Purchasing may be undertaken through canvassing of at least two vendors and award is made to the lowest price available.
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
An RFQ is an informal invitation to submit a quotation, usually for goods/services/civil works at a value between US$10,000 and $200,000. Prices, and other commercial terms and conditions are requested and award is made to the lowest priced technically acceptable offer.
Invitation to Bid (ITB)
An ITB is a formal invitation to submit a bid, usually associated with requirements that are clearly and concisely defined, with an estimated procurement value of US$200,000 or more. Normally price is the sole determinant in making an award. Where all technical criteria are met, award is made to the lowest bidder.
Request for Proposal (RFP)
An RFP is a formal request to submit a proposal, usually associated with requirements for services, which cannot be clearly or concisely defined, with an estimated procurement value of more than US$10,000. Price is only one of several factors comprising the evaluation criteria. Award is made to the qualified bidder whose bid substantially conforms to the requirement set forth on the solicitation documents and is evaluated to be the lowest cost to UNDP.
In some cases, exceptions to competition are being made and direct contracting is used. This usually happens when a Long-Term Agreement (LTA) is in place, either globally (HQ) or locally (at country office level).
Evaluation Process
Evaluation is the process of assessing offers and submitted proposals in accordance with established evaluation methodology and criteria, with the goal of obtaining the best value for money. The process is conducted in a fair and transparent manner to ensure equal treatment of all bidders.
The Evaluation Committee consists of three to five members depending on the nature, complexity and value of the procurement activity. Furthermore, the Evaluation Committee is chaired by an experienced individual, usually a member of the UNDP Programme Section. The membership of the Evaluation Committee is approved by Senior Management of UNDP in the country.
In selecting the members of the evaluation team, the type of procurement being carried out is considered. Representatives from the funding source, the client organization, or national representatives may participate in the evaluation process only as observers. All observers and participants in the evaluation team sign a Declaration of Impartiality.
Vendor Protest
UNDP’s vendor protest procedure provides an opportunity for appeal to those persons or firms not awarded a purchase order or contract through a competitive procurement process. In the event that a Proposer believes that it was not treated fairly, the following link provides further details regarding UNDP vendor protest procedures. Please consult UNDP Policy against Fraud and other Corrupt Practices.
Contracts' Awards
All past competitions (winner name and awarded contract amount) can be found in the Tenders Archive (new window will open).
Related resources
Dear Suppliers, Consultants and Partners,
Starting January 2023 UNDP Turkmenistan is launching the new corporate management system called Quantum.
Now, all procurement processes will be completed through Quantum. Quantum further enhances the integrity and transparency of the procurement process and enables the streamlining of the processes.
In Quantum Supplier Registration Portal you will be able to register as a new UN supplier or partner, update your existing supplier profile, submit bids and participate on current procurement, view Purchase Orders and Agreements issued under your name, and submit Invoices.
If you are interested in submitting a bid for any tender or apply for any position as an Individual Consultant (National or International), you must subscribe at Quantum Supplier Registration Portal following the instructions in the user guide.
If you are a supplier/consultant/partner that has an active/ongoing contract/Purchase Order or unpaid invoices with UNDP as of 31 December 2022, your vendor information was automatically transferred in Quantum.
Should you have any query or encounter any issue while registering and completing your profile, please reach out to your procurement counterpart in the Country Office/Business Unit.
Please follow instructions on registration process provided by the QUANTUM Support team:
- UNDP Quantum - User Guide for Suppliers – English
- UNDP Quantum - User Guide for Suppliers – Russian
- Quantum Supplier Portal Welcome Video_English
- Webinar for Suppliers_English
Once you have created a profile, you can log in by visiting https://supplier.quantum.partneragencies.org/ and logging in with your username and password.
We currently have the following procurement notices:
no notices
Note: Please note that only online submissions are accepted. If you don't see the active links to the above procurement notices below please contact Procurement Unit of the UNDP Turkmenistan at +99312488325 or by e-mail registry.tm@undp.org.