Innovative ideas in vocational training competed at Educathon
August 12, 2022
Arte Make Team which won first place at Educathon created a universe that personalizes the learning process and helps to raise qualified individuals by constructing a gamified platform for physical and online education with the support of virtual reality (VR).
In search of innovative approaches in vocational education to be developed as business ideas, ADASO, UNDP and EBRD organized the Educathon Türkiye Marathon
The Educathon Türkiye Marathon on creating innovative solutions for vocational education, was held by Adana Chamber of Industry (ADASO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with the financial support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) on 16-26 June in Adana Model Factory and Innovation Center. The competition aimed at increasing the effectiveness of vocational training using different perspectives.
Candidates who wanted to put forward their ideas to help develop professional competence and skills of employees in various sectors, mainly in manufacturing, were called to apply for Educathon. The call attracted a total of 159 people. Many individuals from all walks of life and all ages varying from students to teachers, masters to apprentices, retirees to employees, company owners to entrepreneurial candidates, applied.
After the pre-evaluations, 83 people participated in the training programmes. Among those participants, a total of 17 teams were selected to develop their ideas in the marathon in a hall together with other teams for 36 hours. The competitors, who were asked to transform their ideas into innovative, easy-to-apply, value-creating and original training programmes worked towards this goal in the fields of their choice and presented them to the jury. Among all, the top three projects which develop people’s competence and skills with the right planning and business model were selected.
Arte Make Team which won first place created a universe that personalizes the learning process and helps to raise qualified individuals by constructing a gamified platform for physical and online education with the support of virtual reality (VR).
The Gibi team which came second place presented a study on VR simulation technology for the prevention of occupational accidents and over-costs by providing equal vocational training to all employees.
The Omega Team which won third place developed a simulated pharmacy application aiming to increase the knowledge and skill levels of the students at the faculties of pharmacy on pharmacy management, boost their decision-making skills, self-efficacy, motivation and self-confidence, and reduce their level of anxiety.
The Educathon jury, consisting of experts working on innovation, sustainability and vocational training, rated the presented projects in terms of compatibility with selected areas and applicability, commercialization and market entry strategy, being innovative and original, and contributing to social good and sustainability.
Educathon Türkiye was held with the technical coordination of Habitat Association within the scope of Adana Vocational Training Center Technical Support Project. Carried out in cooperation with ADASO and UNDP, and with the financial support of EBRD, the project provides technical assistance and consultancy services in vocational education designed according to the local needs and economic structure in Adana and aims to contribute to national strategies regarding quality workforce and quality vocational training on the one hand, and Sustainable Development Goals on the other, under ADASO’s coordination.
For detailed information about Educathon Türkiye, please visit: