‘Engineer Girls of Turkey’ met in Istanbul
May 31, 2022

150 engineering students from 37 universities of Turkey got together with their coaches, mentors, EGT graduates and other actors of the programme for experience and knowledge sharing, social activities, inspiring speeches as well as capacity building trainings and activities.
The initiative to enhance women’s involvement in the engineering area with higher value-added profile and skills, Engineer Girls of Turkey met from 13 to 15 May, with their members from students to graduates, mentors, coaches and other actors of the programme.
Engineer Girls of Turkey (EGT) Project organized the 6th of the Istanbul Meetings with participants varying from students to mentors, coaches and guest speakers. 150 engineering students from 37 universities of Turkey got together with their coaches, mentors, EGT graduates and other actors of the programme for experience and knowledge sharing, social activities, inspiring speeches as well as capacity building trainings and activities.
At the 3-days event, participants joined training sessions on social innovation, social entrepreneurship and gender equality. They also participated in social activities and workshops including a bicycle making workshop where they experienced collaborative teamwork and donated the assembled bicycles to Darüşşafaka.
The event hosted guests from NATO, Eczacıbaşı Group, Women in Games Turkey, Women in Technology Association, and actress Hande Ataizi as speakers who shared inspiring experiences with Engineer Girls of Turkey.
710 students in total benefitted from the initiative
EGT is a project that aims to reveal the potential of women and girls and enable them to realize their dreams. From the multi-directional support offered within the scope of the University Programme of the Project, a total of 710 female students studying in the departments of construction, environment, industry, machinery, electrical-electronics, computer and chemical engineering benefitted until today.
At its seventh year, EGT Project continues to lead the way in becoming a brand in Turkey and raising the leading female engineers and engineer candidates of the future. As a social and impact investment, it helps train women leaders who will shape the future of Turkey and 'break glass ceilings'. For this, two issues are focused on in the future vision of EGT: 'sustainability' and 'globalization'. While the partners of the initiative are working to make EGT a sustainable and independent platform, they are also investigating how to transfer their experience in this field to different countries.
Engineer Girls of Turkey initiative is conducted in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Limak Foundation and the Ministry of Family and Social Services. Supporting hundreds of female students who dream of being engineers but face many challenges along the way, EGT Project continues to provide scholarships, trainings and continuous mentorship along their education, employment and career path.