Reflections on Measuring National Ownership in Conflict Prevention Interventions




Reflections on Measuring National Ownership in Conflict Prevention Interventions

July 1, 2017

The new framework of development policies entrenched in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the General Assembly on 25 September 2015 and the ‘Sustaining Peace’ resolutions of the United Nations call for a renewed interest in national ownership in development and peace consolidation. Even though not a new issue, the challenge of delineating responsibilities and involvement between local actors, foreign partners and donors, is heightened in the context of the Agenda 2030 implementation.

For many African countries where the improvement of governance practices could be perceived as a prerequisite for any attempt to achieve the 17 goals set in Agenda 2030, the issue of ownership points first and foremost to the question of inclusivity – in itself the cornerstone of any genuine achievement of that new global policy agenda, given that economic, political and social exclusions have been identified as the main drivers of conflicts. For this reason, inclusion could be a point of departure and the ultimate goal of Agenda 2030, illustrated in the principle that “nobody should be left behind”.