Placing the Platform Economy: Gender, Digital Divides, and the Geography of Platform Participation in the Philippines

Placing the Platform Economy

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Placing the Platform Economy: Gender, Digital Divides, and the Geography of Platform Participation in the Philippines

December 5, 2022

Despite long-standing barriers to the mass adoption of digital technologies, the Philippine government’s imposition of lockdowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has facilitated a dramatic expansion of the country’s platform economy. Akin to the broader rise of the knowledge economy, the rapid growth of the platform sector could come with substantial “gender dividends”, given the greater rate of women’s participation, lower pay gaps, and increased flexibility that can allow women to finesse their care and economic responsibilities. Yet much less attention has been devoted to how geographically-embedded advantages and interventions continue to be decisive in shaping prospects for participation in the sector.

Document Type
Regions and Countries
Sustainable Development Goals