European Union and UNDP promote inclusive employment opportunities in Mongolia

October 24, 2023
UNDP Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar, 25 October 2023 – Over 50 people with disabilities who are actively seeking for employment opportunities participated in the “Inclusive Job Mediation Event” designed to support them in finding stable jobs. This initiative not only helps them find potential employers but also provided series of capacity-building activities through professional job mediation coaches. Participants will be visiting employers who are offering inclusive job opportunities. UNDP’s "SDG Aligned Budgeting to Transform Employment in Mongolia" (SDGBE) project, funded by the European Union, organized the event as part of their overall efforts to promote employment in Mongolia.   

The ‘Inclusive Job Mediation’ activity has been implemented for over a month, applying innovative approaches such as inclusive pre-screening and consultations offered by specialized job mediation coaches. Moreover, the project provided technical support to employers on improving their working environment to meet the special needs of potential employees with disabilities.

Her Excellency Axelle Nicaise, Ambassador of the European Union to Mongolia, indicated that “Inclusion of people with disabilities does not happen immediately with the adoption of a law or a declaration recognizing their rights, but instead, it requires a change of mentality, accessible infrastructure, with supporting policy interventions in multiple sectors such as employment, social welfare, health, education, and other public services” during the event.

UNDP Mongolia

Ms. Matilda Dimovska, UNDP Resident Representative in Mongolia, acknowledged the importance of this intervention and said, “It is no secret that people with disabilities are often left behind and face monumental challenges in their daily lives, particularly at times of crises such as the pandemic. So, it is important to empower people with disabilities in every social aspect and ensure that their rights are protected, including their ‘right to work’ as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” 

The event was actively supported by private sector employers, job mediation platforms, and media institutions such as Tavan Bogd Group, MCS Group, APU Company, Mobicom Group, GS25, CU Mongolia, Gobi JSC, Zangiа.mn, and Worki application. 

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the Authority for Development of Persons with Disabilities, and NGOs dedicated to people with disabilities are actively participating and collaborating, ensuring ongoing support and sustainability for the outcomes achieved through this initiative.


About European Union

The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 European countries. It is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law, and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. It acts globally to promote the sustainable development of societies, the environment, and economies, so that everyone can benefit

About UNDP

UNDP is the leading United Nations organization fighting to end the injustice of poverty, inequality, and climate change. Working with our broad network of experts and partners in 170 countries, we help nations to build integrated, lasting solutions for people and the planet. 

For further inquiries:

Otgongerel Khalzanbanid | Communications Officer | SDG-Aligned Budgeting to Transform Employment in Mongolia Project |

UNDP Mongolia