Recommendations for mainstreaming climate change considerations into energy policy of Moldova and further development of national practices of GHG emissions measurement and reporting in the energy sector taking into consideration the best practices

Recommendations for mainstreaming climate change considerations into energy policy of Moldova and further development of national practices of GHG emissions measurement and reporting in the energy sector taking into consideration the best practices
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June 6, 2023
The overall objective of the report is to design and conduct a review and analysis of the national policies, legal and regulatory framework in the energy sector in order to make recommendations for the incorporation of climate change considerations into the respective sector planning processes.
The report provides consolidated recommendations for mainstreaming climate change considerations into the energy policy of Moldova and further development of national practices of greenhouse gases emissions measurement and reporting in the Energy Sector taking into consideration the best practices.
The report provides an overview of the data interpretation and methods of data collection in Republic of Moldova aligned with EU Regulations and best practices and a comparative analysis on data interpretation and reporting in other Eastern Partnership Countries.