[Closed] Transnistrian dialogues (phase 1)
Status: | Closed |
Duration: | 2018 – 2019 |
Budget: | 300,000 USD |
Donor: | UNDP |
Coverage: | Republic of Moldova, including Transnistrian region |
Beneficiaries: | The beneficiary group consisted of 50 people from both riverbanks (50% women, at least 45% from either side – experts in relevant fields (from conflict-related, to economic, social affairs, environment, etc.), CSO representatives, journalists, etc. |
Focus Area: | Inclusive Growth |
Partners: | Local NGOs from both banks, which had the capacity to support in reaching out to the most relevant and influential persons, especially on the left bank, the Institute for Strategic Initiatives from the right bank and SIGMA from the left riverbank. |
Project Document: | Transnistrian dialogues (phase 1) |
Final Report: | Transnistrian dialogues (phase 1) - Final Report |
See more information about the project on the transparency portal. |
Project Summary:
The project addressed the consequences of the Transnistrian conflict, including growing alienation and lack of engagement, by creating a cooperation/coordination network of 50 local conflict resolution leaders, which contributed to establishing domestic preconditions for conflict settlement and support the emergence of international agreement on what conflict settlement could look like. The project proposed an alternative path of resolving contradictions and disputes via engagement and involvement of key societal actors who had so far had no voice in conflict resolution efforts. Also, the project helped improve the relationships and establish connections between civil society leaders, societal influencers, journalists, opinion leaders, thematic experts and key societal representatives from Chisinau and Tiraspol, thus creating important precondition for compromise solutions on conflict-related issues and rational dialogue.
The project was funded by the UNDP Funding Window for Governance for Inclusive and Peaceful Societies, Conflict Prevention Sub-window.
Men and women on both banks of the Nistru River have better livelihoods and living conditions, due to improved cross-river cooperation between key actors across the post-conflict divide.
- Output 1. A functional, institutionalized Track 2 platform for policy influential groups between experts, influencers, journalists, civil activists, opinion makers, CSOs and representatives of intellectual elites from both banks, championing for constructive approaches that would prepare the ground for a sustainable settlement of the Transnistria conflict;
- Output 2. Improved capacities of national experts, CSOs members and journalists to generate and implement joint initiatives benefitting people on both banks of the Nistru river.
Expected results:
- Main forces and societal actors included in the conflict settlement process, increasing the possibility of resolving disputes between the sides;
- Improved understanding, capacity and the skills of dialogue participants in conducting constructive engagement, resolving disputes with counterparts on the other side, engaging in constructive communication and increasing trust between key actors;
- An efficient Track 2 platform set up for policy influential groups on both banks for regular meetings and engaging in communication and search for solutions, as well as advocacy. The platform would allow to bring the Transnistria issue back on the forefront of the political agenda, with constructive solutions being backed by prominent influencers in the country;
- 40 local conflict resolution leaders (at least 50% women, at least 45% from either side) equipped with relevant tools to advance the confidence building agenda on both banks in various sectors;
- Measurements of public opinion through several questions in public opinion polls conducted by Moldovan polling agencies;
- Improved public and societal understanding of the compromises required to achieve the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict;
- Improved quality of conflict-related coverage in mass-media of the two banks. An increase in the number and quality of objective articles in local press, to counter and reverse domination of biased articles distorting the real state of affairs and hampering wider public’s better understanding of issues, especially in Transnistrian media outlets;
- Identified solutions for important issues in different areas that both sides are faced with, including trade, economy, taxes.
- An efficient Track 2 platform set up for policy influential groups on both banks for regular meetings and engaging in communication and search for solutions, as well as advocacy;
- A group of 59 future insider mediators - experts in relevant fields, journalists, opinion makers, societal activists, CSO representatives, selected and involved;
- Nine innovative ideas contributing to an environment of trust supported through a Small Grants Competition;
- Three seminars of 3 days for the members of the platform organized;
- Six international experts/speakers and ten representatives from diplomatic missions in Moldova involved;
- Two study visits to Vienna/Bratislava and Brussels organized;
- A final conference involving over 150 people and a closed session for experts conducted.
Years | Budget | Delivery |
UNDP | ||
2018 | 201,899 USD | 138,185 USD |
2019 | 98,101 USD | 131,409 USD |