[Closed] Curbing corruption by building sustainable integrity in the Republic of Moldova

Duration:2019 – 2021
Beneficiaries:General public, public and private institutions, CSOs
Focus Area:Effective Governance, Justice & Human Rights
Partners:National Anticorruption Centre, Ombudsperson’s Office
Project Document:Curbing corruption by building sustainable integrity in the Republic of Moldova
Final Report:Curbing corruption by building sustainable integrity in the Republic of Moldova - Final Report
See more information about the project on the transparency portal.


Project Summary:

The project will contribute to achieving a sustainable integrity and anti-corruption system in the Republic of Moldova through the strengthened capacities of the public and private sector entities and the civil society for the efficient application and monitoring of national integrity instruments and standards. The project will enhance capacities of the public and private sector actors, as well as of the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) for the implementation of effective corruption prevention instruments and tools and will strengthen the anticorruption demand side through an increased public awareness on anticorruption and on the means to curb corruption. It will contribute to the progressive implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal 16 that calls for a substantial reduction of corruption and bribery in all their forms and for developing effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels.


  • Reduced level of corruption by ensuring of at least 70% qualitative implementation of the National Integrity and Anticorruption Strategy (NIAS);
  • Strengthened institutional integrity systems through the establishment of the Integrity Award system in public sector;
  • Capacities of NIAS focal points in 9 sectors, from all 32 districts (rayons) and in at least 70% of 900 local governments strengthened to effectively coordinate the implementation of sector and local Integrity Plans;
  • A standardized anticorruption compliance mechanism in the private sector established with the support of the Integrity Award for private sector methodology;
  • Civil society, and young men and women in particular enabled to effectively engage in corruption prevention and advocacy for “zero-tolerance” to corruption and also in strengthening the national integrity system through the NIAS monitoring and shadow reporting;
  • Citizens increasingly use effective tools for reporting corruption demonstrating a stronger civic engagement;
  • Ombudsperson’s Office has sufficient capacity to effectively protect the whistle-blowers.

Expected results:

  • Efficient and participatory monitoring and evaluation of NIAS implementation ensured;
  • Strengthened capacities of the anticorruption authority to enforce and improve integrity instruments;
  • Strong institutional integrity mechanisms at the sector and local levels established;
  • Integrity standards in the private sector endorsed by key stakeholders;
  • Enhanced civic engagement for an effective and objective monitoring of the integrity system.

