UNDP and Sweden support the development of an electronic case management system for contraventions
December 1, 2022
UNDP and Sweden will support the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) in developing an information system for the management of contravention cases. This system will help investigating officers to manage contravention cases more efficiently and promptly by automating the internal processes and procedures. It will also improve the quality of data on the registered contravention cases and will increase transparency.
The system will be developed as part of “Supporting the e-transformation of policing processes related to contravention cases” project, launched today, 1 December 2022.
"The digitalisation component is a priority area for the internal affairs system. The e-contravention tool is an ambitious and long-awaited project by the MIA employees. This system will make their work more efficient and citizens will benefit from faster services, while the transparency of the processes will be ensured," said Ana Revenco, Minister of Internal Affairs.
The information system will seek to interconnect 44 institutions and state agents mandated to investigate contraventions. The system will provide secure access to data. Only the agent in charge of the case will be able to manage the file, which will allow monitoring and tracking changes. Supervisors will only be able to view the file without editing permissions.
At the same time, the e-tool will allow interconnection with justice chain actors in charge of contravention cases and will cover all stages of the process, from detecting the contravention to issuing the final decision. The information system could be linked to the case management systems of the prosecution and courts.
The software will be a web-based solution, allowing the user to log in remotely from any device connected to the Internet. A mobile-friendly interface will also be available. Integration with e-services offered by the e-Governance Agency will ensure interoperability with other platforms and databases.
More than 45 types of documents, currently used on paper to document and investigate contraventions, will be digitalised, thus saving paper and reducing costs.
“The Ministry of Interior Affairs’ drive for promoting digitalisation within the internal affair sector is important for continuing developing services for the citizens. Sweden has, therefor, decided to support the Ministry’s and the General Police Inspectorate’s call to modernize the investigation of various contraventions by providing digital solutions. The new e-contravention tool is expected to bring efficiency to the investigation process connecting it to other digital case management platforms within the justice sector, to guarantee transparency and accountability and to eliminate paper from the process, thereby also contributing to greener governance,” said Katarina Fried, Ambassador of Sweden to the Republic of Moldova.
The project will support initial training of internal affairs staff in charge of contravention cases. An online course will also be developed. “Stefan cel Mare” Academy will integrate in its curriculum the use of the information system of management of contraventions, by a using a mock-up.
“The e-transformation of the justice chain institutions and the digitalisation of processes are enabling a law enforcement system that is more responsive in serving people, more effective, professional, accountable, and trusted. We are delighted to partner with Sweden for unlocking the potential of digital solutions in internal affairs,” said Andrea Cuzyova, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative to the Republic of Moldova.
The project “Supporting the e-transformation of policing processes related to contravention cases”, with a budget of approximately US$935,000 provided by Sweden, will be implemented by UNDP during 2022-2025.