A new “life” has been given to the characters of Ion Creanga’s fairy tales, a digital one, in 2D format. “Kreyon” animation studio obtained financial support from the EU for the project “Fairytales of Ion Creanga in 2D”. Now, the Old Man’s Daughter and the Old Woman’s Daughter, the Woman with Three Daughters-in-Law, as well as characters of other stories are talking to the kids not only in Romanian, but also in Russian and even in English. The project was carried out with the financial support of the European Union, offered within the EU “Confidence Building Measures” Programme, implemented by UNDP.
A team of 20 people, among which designers, illustrators, a sound director and a musician, translators and actors worked together for three months to animate the masterpieces of the beloved writer. The following fairy tales were animated in 2D: “The Old Man’s Daughter and the Old Woman’s Daughter”, “Five Loafs of Bread”, “Two Coin Purse”, “The Woman with Three Daughters-in-Law”, “The Bear Tricked by the Fox”, and “The Goat with Three Kids”.
“The idea came to me when my daughter Sarah was born, out of my desire to be a good father,” says Ion Savin, the project’s coordinator.
“We decided to reproduce the fairy tales in Russian and English hoping that the Russian-speaking families from the right and left banks of Nistru, as well as the families that have emigrated to various other countries, where children do not speak Romanian anymore, would be able to see and understand them,” Ion Savin adds.
The fairy tales were broadcast on Moldova 1 and Bendery TV. In addition to the publication on the Diez website, they will also be published on a YouTube channel to allow parents from all over the world to comfort their kids with Ion Creanga’s fairy tales.
Five fairy tales were animated in 2D with European funding, and one fairy tale – from “Kreyon” team sources.
The project was implemented with the financial support offered by the European Union within the EU “Confidence Building Measures” Programme implemented by UNDP. This Programme aims to increase the confidence between people living on both banks of the Nistru River by involving the representatives of civil society, business and media communities in joint projects.