An information platform dedicated to the biomass energy sector in the Republic of Moldova was launched
July 5, 2024

The online platform dedicated to the development of the biomass energy market in the Republic of Moldova - - was launched on 5 July 2024, during the international technical-scientific conferences “Energy, efficiency, ecology, and education” and “Installations for construction and energy economy”, carried out with the support of the Government of Japan and UNDP.
This platform consolidates the necessary information for producers and consumers of biofuels, suppliers of briquetting, pelleting, and baling equipment, biomass heating plants, energy services, and other components of the biofuel market.
“Renewable energy is not just about photovoltaic panels. Biomass in the Republic of Moldova can play a more significant role in the energy mix and contribute to the goal of having 27% renewable energy in the final energy consumption. Such online tools, which will connect market supply and demand, are very useful, but all market participants need to understand the advantages of solid biofuels and have the necessary platform to make investments in their development and use,” noted Carolina Novac, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Energy.
The platform allows all market participants - companies, public institutions, and individuals - to post and track announcements of buying and selling products and services in the biomass energy sector. Thus, it will facilitate the exchange of information and better connect biomass producers with potential consumers for the efficient and sustainable development of this sector in the Republic of Moldova.
“The development of the biomass market is an important element in the energy transition process of the Republic of Moldova. Through this online platform dedicated to the commercialization of solid biofuels in the Republic of Moldova, the opportunity to facilitate access to these ecological and sustainable resources is opened, thus contributing to the diversification of energy sources and the reduction of dependence on fossil fuels. Moreover, this field, in addition to the economic and environmental advantages at the national level, also has a significant social impact by creating new jobs and developing the circular economy at the local level,” says Ion Muntean, Director of the National Center for Sustainable Energy.
During the conferences, participants discussed the Republic of Moldova's capacity to reduce CO2 emissions, support tools for the development of the bioenergy market, opportunities for valorizing agricultural and household waste for energy purposes, biogas production, and the cultivation of energy crops, as well as barriers to promoting biomass.
“There is a significant potential for solid biomass in the Republic of Moldova and the created platform will play an important role in its valorization. In this regard, as part of the same project, 10 solid biofuel producers will be supported to improve their production efficiency, and 80 highly energy-vulnerable families will benefit from the installation of biomass heating plants,” says Mihail Lupu, consultant at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Moldova.
The online platform was created with financial support from the Government of Japan, as part of the project “Multidimensional response to emerging human security challenges in Moldova”, implemented by UNDP. The information platform was initially developed in 2016, as part of the “Energy and Biomass” project, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP.