Designers improve the user experience of social services in Moldova at UX4Gov Designathon
April 22, 2024

UNDP Moldova will support the UX4Gov Designathon – a creative event designed to connect designers with public institutions to create user-centric solutions and improve public services.
As part of the event, UNDP Moldova will support the conceptualization of the interface for a future single platform for the delivery of social services, to be developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.
Product designers, UX/UI specialists, web designers and graphic designers, as well as all those passionate about technology and social impact are invited to register for the event. In addition to social protection, teams will have the opportunity to develop digital solutions in the fields of justice, healthcare, fintech and metrology.
Over the course of 30 hours, participants will work, test and experiment with their prototypes, assisted by experienced mentors.
The prototypes will be evaluated by a jury, which will select three winning solutions that will receive monetary prizes and will then be supported to put their concepts into practice, which could be adopted by public institutions.
Currently, UNDP Moldova, in partnership with UNICEF and with the support of the German Government, is assisting the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection in the implementation of the “Restart” reform and the digital transformation of social services, aiming to simplify processes and increase access for the population.
This event is part of the digital transformation programme of the Republic of Moldova, which set out to build a 100% digital society.
UX4Gov Designathon is organized under the aegis of the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization and implemented by the Yatakviju Design Community and Technovator, in collaboration with Moldova ICT Companies Association (ATIC), Tekwill, Moldova Innovation Technology Park. The event is supported by UNDP Moldova, Innovate Moldova, USAID Moldova, the Governments of Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF).