Switzerland will invest in strengthening social cohesion in the Republic of Moldova
July 19, 2024

Switzerland, UNDP and UNFPA launch a new project on strengthening social cohesion, trust and cooperation on both banks of the Nistru River. The initiative will be implemented during 2024-2025 and has a budget of US$2 million.
“Fostering constructive dialogue is essential for building social cohesion and resilience. Today, as we launch this innovative project, which aims at improving cross-community exchanges, we hope that this will enhance trust and cooperation between target communities on both banks of the Nistru River,” said Guido Beltrani, Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office in the Republic of Moldova.
The project addresses challenges faced by the youth and older people in the Republic of Moldova by strengthening dialogue and by creating concrete opportunities for more than 1,500 people in 13 communities across Moldova to become more active in community processes.
As part of the project, 10 communities on the right bank will be supported by UNDP to set up community councils. They will serve as platforms for discussion of existing frictions and ways of overcoming them.
The community councils are part of a UNDP-designed innovative analytical mechanism consisting of surveying of population, expert scoring, and (social) media monitoring. The tool offers essential data for overseeing the tendencies in the respective communities: social trust, reciprocity, attachment, grievances etc. The mechanism has been piloted by UNDP in other 10 communities, as part of a Japan-funded project.
“Through this partnership initiative, we aim to facilitate open dialogue, cooperation, and bonds across communities, so as to boost cohesion and foster a sense of connection, belonging and solidarity. Strong communities are the foundation of peace and sustainable development,” mentioned Daniela Gasparikova, UNDP Resident Representative to the Republic of Moldova.
Throughout the project, UNDP and UNFPA will engage residents, including youth, older persons, refugees, as well as support youth-led initiatives for social cohesion and intergenerational dialogue.
UNFPA will work with the local public authorities from 10 communities (7 from right bank and 3 from left bank) to boost their capacities in assessing the needs of the population and designing local community initiatives for increased social cohesion and trust. In that sense, two intergenerational hubs will be established as part of existing community centers, engaging older persons and young people in joint activities.
In addition, UNFPA will provide 10 community grants to civil society organizations and Youth Centres to increase civic activism among different generations, while UNDP will offer grants to 10 youth-led initiatives.
“As Moldova faces rapid demographic changes and an aging population, it is critical to invest in intergenerational programs that bring society together, and promote well-being. This partnership will contribute to a more resilient society, ensuring rights and choices for all people, at all ages, so that no one is left behind,” stated Karina A. Nersesyan, UNFPA Country Representative.
As part of the project, two forums on social cohesion will be conducted to enable people from the target communities and stakeholders to share their experiences and lessons learned on social cohesion and intergenerational community initiatives.
The project “Enhancing social cohesion in Moldova through dialogue and community empowerment” is funded through the Moldova 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Partnerships Trust Fund.