Developing Peacebuilding local development plans and Tension Monitoring Platforms across nine municipalities in Libya

Developing Peacebuilding local development plans and Tension Monitoring Platforms across nine municipalities in Libya

February 23, 2023

In collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government, Departments of Community Development and target municipalities, UNDP is looking at supporting Departments of Community Development in setting-up Peacebuilding Committees to develop local peacebuilding development plans in the following nine municipalities: Kufra, Brak Al shati, Murzuq, Sebha, Ubari, Ghat, Gurda, Sharghuiya and Bint Baya.


The project will build on existing conflict assessments to establish an inclusive, common understanding of challenges to peace and potential solutions in each municipality on which to base the capacity development, civic engagement, and peace planning processes.


Ensure engagement and guidance of selected Peacebuilding  Committees in writing peacebuilding local development plans based on identified local priorities in Kufra, Brak Al shati, Murzuq, Sebha, Ubari, Ghat, Gurda, Sharghuiya and Bint Baya. Proposals may only be submitted for all 9 locations together.

Ensure close coordination with the MoLG and the Peacebuilding Committees in defining and identifying areas of tension. The objective is to generate an online Tension Monitoring Platform to serve as a local early warning system.

Detailed objectives, related outputs, deliverables, and key considerations are provided in terms of Reference – Annex I


The estimated total funds allocated for “Developing Peacebuilding local development plans and Tension Monitoring Mechanism across nine municipalities in Libya” amounts to 752,000 USD.

The anticipated implementation period is 09 months (April 2023 – December 2023).


Applicants must submit their Technical and Financial proposals in electronic format to

Please note that bids received through any other address will not be considered.

PLEASE make all efforts to provide your electronic proposal not exceeding 10 MB in size.

Interested (I)NGOs may obtain further information or clarification by contacting UNDP Libya through the following email address:

Regions and Countries
Sustainable Development Goals